Frances’ Kitchen
Welcome to Frances’ Kitchen.
A series of simple, scrumptious, carb-counted recipes that you can easily create at home.
Frances is one of the diabetes dietitians at Leeds Children’s Hospital. Here she shows you how to make some simple, family friendly meals and how to carb count them.

Frances' Kitchen - Introduction
Frances Kitchen - Introduction

Frances' Kitchen - Vegetable Soup
In this video Frances takes you through the simple steps to make a healthy and warming vegetable soup. Perfect for all the family on those colder days.

Frances' Kitchen - Pizza 3 Ways
In this film, Frances shows you 3 different ways to make pizzas at home which all depend on how much time you have and how much mess you want to make!

Frances' Kitchen - Pasta Bolognese
Here's a great recipe for the family! Frances shows you how to make a great pasta sauce which you can use to make a scrummy meat or veggie version. It's also a great base for a chilli.

Frances' Kitchen - Chicken Casserole
If you're looking for an easy-to-make, healthy balanced meal for all the family, then this recipe for slow-cooked chicken casserole is the one for you. In this film, Frances takes you through the simple steps to make a delicious chicken casserole

Frances' Kitchen - Sushi Segway
Sushi is becoming increasingly popular as a low fat, healthy lunch alternative and there are fish and vegetarian options for all to enjoy. Frances introduces you to a selection and shows you how to carb count them.