Essentials & Technology – Somali

Ku soo dhawoow bogga Muhiimka ah ee DigiBete. Halkan waxaad ka heli doontaa xulashada filimada muhiimka ah si ay u caawiyaan maareynta maalinlaha ah ee Nooca 1 ee Sonkorowga. Haddaba waa maxay nooca 1-aad ee Macaanka? Filimkan Dr. James Yong ayaa sharaxaya dhammaan. .. Haddii adiga, xubin qoyska ka mid ah ama saaxiib dhowaan laga helay Nooca 1-aad ee Macaanka markaas fadlan booqo boggayaga 'Newly Diagnosed' si aad u hesho ilo taageero ah. Waxaan rajeyneynaa inaad filimadaan ka heli doontaan faa'iidooyin.


Hoos waxaa ku yaal fiidiyowyo muhiim ah oo kaa caawinaya adiga iyo qoyskaaga sida aad adigu u maamushaan sonkorowgaaga.

Filimada soo socda ayaa dhamaantood lagu sameeyay Xirfadlayaasha Daryeelka Caafimaadka waxayna u sharxayaan, si tillaabo-tallaabo ah, sida si wax ku ool ah loo fuliyo waxyaabaha lagama maarmaanka u ah maaraynta maalinlaha ah ee Nooca 1aad ee Sonkorowga.

These films have been translated from English and these translations should be used as a rough guide only. If you are unsure, please speak to your diabetes healthcare team. DigiBete is not responsible for the accuracy of these translations and accepts no liability or any loss incurred as a result of them. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback on these translated films. 

Aflaantan waxaa laga soo turjumay Ingiriis, tarjumaadanna waa in loo adeegsadaa hage qallafsan oo keliya. Haddii aadan hubin, fadlan la hadal kooxdaada daryeelka caafimaadka sonkorowga. DigiBete mas’uul kama aha saxnaanta tarjumaadadan mana aqbal wax mas’uuliyad ah ama wax khasaare ah oo ka dhashay iyaga. Fadlan xor u noqo inaad nala wadaagto fikradahaaga iyo falcelintaada filimadan la turjumay. 

Type 1 Diabetes Animated Explainer - Somali

Fiidiyow sharraxaad firfircoon leh oo soo bandhigaya Nooca 1aad ee Sonkorowga

How to Check Blood Glucose Levels - Somali

Sida Loo Hubiyo Heerarka Gulukooska Dhiiga

How to Give an Injection of Insulin - Somali

Sida Loo Mudo Insulin-ka

How to Use Safety Needles - Somali

Sida loogu duro Insulinta iyadoo la isticmaalayo Irbado Badbaadada ah

What Is Hypoglycaemia? - Somali

Waa maxay Hypoglycemia?

How to Treat Hypoglycaemia - Somali

Sida loo daweeyo Hypoglycemia

How to Work Out a Correction Dose - Somali

Sida Loo Sameeyo Qiyaasta Saxitaanka

What are Ketones and How to Check Them - Somali

Waa maxay Ketones iyo sida loo hubiyo

A Guide to Healthy Eating - Somali

Hagaha Cunto Caafimaad qabta

How to Give an Injection of Glucagon - Somali

Sida Loo Mudo glucagon

Equipment You Need When You Leave Hospital - Somali

Qalabka aad u baahan tahay markaad ka baxayso isbitaalka

Visiting The Diabetes Clinic - Somali

Booqashada Rugta Sonkorowga

Sick Day Rules - Somali

Xeerarka Maalinta Jirrada

Carb Counting - Understanding the basics - Somali

This films takes you through the basics of carbohydrate counting.

Carb Counting - Weighing and measuring - Somali

This film takes you through the different ways to count the carbs in food.

Carb Counting - Challenging meals - Somali

This film discusses how to tackle challenging meals.

Carb Counting - Eating Out - Somali

This films shows how to carb count when eating out.

La Noolaanshaha Xanuunka Sonkorowga
Buuga Shaqada

halkan ka akhri

Farsamada Sonkorowga

Samaynta Dareen ee Sonkorowga Farsamada

Waa kuwan qaar ka mid ah fiidiyowyada kaa caawinaya inaad wax badan ka fahanto farsamada sonkorowga

T1D is a part of me - My life enabled by technology - Somali

In this film, a group of young people share how technology helps them manage their type 1 diabetes

What is CGM and Flash - Somali

This video introduces CGM and Flash for type 1 diabetes

What people say about CGM and Flash - Somali

In this film, young people discuss the pros and cons of CGM and Flash Glucose Monitors

What is an Insulin Pump - Somali

This video explains what insulin pumps are and how they work.

How Closed Loop Systems Work - Somali

Filimkani waxa uu sharxayaa sida nidaamyada gudbinta insulin-ta xidhani u shaqeeyaan.

What people say about Pumps and Closed Loop Systems - Somali

In this film, young people discuss the pros and cons of pumps and closed loop systems

HCL - First line of treatment - Somali

In this video, children and parents who took part in the KidsAP02 study, talk about their experiences.

HCL and Quality of Life - Somali

In this video, children and parents who took part in the KidsAP02 study, talk about their experiences and quality of life.

HCL and Time in Range - Somali

In this video, children and parents who took part in the KidsAP02 study, talk about their experiences.