Essentials & Technology – Chinese
DigiBete Essentials 页面。 在这里,您将找到一系列有助于 1 型糖尿病日常管理的重要影片。 那么什么是1型糖尿病? 在这部电影中,James Yong 博士解释了一切。 .. 如果您、您的家人或朋友新诊断出患有 1 型糖尿病,请访问我们的“新诊断”页面以获取更多支持资源。 我们希望您会发现这些影片有用。
以下影片均由医疗保健专业人员制作,并逐步解释如何有效执行 1 型糖尿病日常管理的基本要素。
These films have been translated from English and these translations should be used as a rough guide only. If you are unsure, please speak to your diabetes healthcare team. DigiBete is not responsible for the accuracy of these translations and accepts no liability or any loss incurred as a result of them. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback on these translated films.
这些电影是从英文翻译而来的,这些翻译只能作为粗略的指导。 如果您不确定,请咨询您的糖尿病医疗团队。 DigiBete 不对这些翻译的准确性负责,也不承担任何责任或因此而招致的任何损失。 请随时分享您对这些翻译电影的想法和反馈。
Type 1 Diabetes Explainer - Chinese
介绍 1 型糖尿病的动画解说视频
How To Check Blood Glucose Levels - Chinese
How To Give An Insulin Injection - Chinese
How To Use Safety Needles - Chinese
What Is Hypoglycaemia? - Chinese
How To Treat Hypoglycaemia - Chinese
How To Work Out A Correction Dose - Chinese
What Are Ketones And How To Check Them - Chinese
How To Give An Injection Of Glucagon - Chinese
Equipment You Need When Leaving Hospital - Chinese
What To Expect When Visiting The Diabetes Clinic - Chinese
Sick Day Rules - Chinese
Carb Counting The Basics - Chinese
Carb Counting Weighing & Measuring - Chinese
Carb Counting Eating Out - Chinese
Carb Counting Challenging Meals - Chinese
My Life Enabled by Technology - Chinese
在这部影片中,一群年轻人分享了技术如何帮助他们控制 1 型糖尿病
CGM and Flash - Chinese
This video introduces CGM and Flash for type 1 diabetes
What people say about CGM and Flash - Chinese
In this film, young people discuss the pros and cons of CGM and Flash Glucose Monitors
What is an insulin pump - Chinese
This video explains what insulin pumps are and how they work.
How Closed Loop Systems Work - Chinese
What people say about pumps and closed loop systems - Chinese
In this film, young people discuss the pros and cons of pumps and closed loop systems
HCL and first line of treatment - Chinese
In this video, children and parents who took part in the KidsAP02 study, talk about their experiences.
HCL and quality of life - Chinese
In this video, children and parents who took part in the KidsAP02 study, talk about their experiences and quality of life.
HCL and time in range - Chinese
In this video, children and parents who took part in the KidsAP02 study, talk about their experiences.