Meet the Team
The DigiBete Management Team are focused and dedicated to creating resources to help people and families self-manage their Type 1 Diabetes. They extend NHS services so that there is a 24/7 facility for everyone needing Type 1 guidance and training. With their wide variety of experience and expertise, they are a dynamic and agile team continually working to provide digital and video support services for the Type 1 community.

Maddie Julian - MA, PGCE
Maddie is DigiBete's Co-Founder/CEO and parent of a child with type 1 diabetes. Maddie has over 15 years Commercial Arts and Educational Project experience.

Dr Fiona Campbell - MD, MBCHB, MRCP, FRCPCH, DCH
Fiona is the Clinical Lead for DigiBete. She is a Consultant Paediatrician and Diabetologist at Leeds Children’s Hospital and Chair of the National Children’s Diabetes Network.

Rob Julian - BSc (Hons)
Rob is DigiBete's Co-Founder/Creative Director and parent of a child with type 1 diabetes. Rob has over 20 years media/film production experience.

Caroline Mullier - RGN BSc (Hons), RN Child (DipHE)
Caroline is DigiBete's Clinical Advisor. She is a Children’s Diabetes Nurse Specialist at Leeds Children’s Hospital.

Salma Mehar - RD PGdip
Salma is DigiBete's Diversity and Inequalities lead. Salma is consultant dietitian working in the field of global nutrition, health and wellbeing for over 20 years and is currently working with imperial College and NHS England. Her work has been acknowledged by many organisations in the UK in improving long term health conditions.

John Hughes - FCMA
John is DigiBete’s Finance and Admin Director with 30 years Industry and Commercial experience as a Chartered Management Accountant in a variety of senior roles.

Frances Hanson - BSc (Hons) RD
Frances is the lead Diabetes Dietitian at Leeds Children's Hospital.

Sam Smith
Sam is DigiBete's Community Engagement Officer and is a parent of a young person with type 1 diabetes. Sam has a wealth of experience working with the diabetes community.

Michelle McKenna
Michelle is the DigiBete Community Engagement & Support Facilitator. She helps with education and connecting with young people and families who have type 1 diabetes. She is also a parent to a young daughter who has type 1 diabetes.

Heather Berrill
Heather is DigiBete’s Junior Developer/ Designer. She is a Northcoders’ graduate with a Masters in Computer Animation and a love for all things creative.