Emotional Wellbeing
Welcome to our Emotional Wellbeing page. This page is dedicated to resources for emotional wellbeing and we hope you find them useful. If there are any issues that are affecting you then talk to your local diabetes team so that they can help you get the right support.

Welcome to our Emotional Wellbeing page
This page is dedicated to emotional wellbeing, and these resources have been funded by JDRF UK and the National Lottery Community Fund (except for the tree of life)
We hope you find these resources useful and remember, if you need support with issues that are affecting you then talk to your local diabetes team who can help you get the right support.

A Film About : The Tree of Life
The Tree of Life : enabling young people to tell stories in ways that make them feel stronger, more positive and empowered

T1D Is A Part Of Me
In this film, a group of young people share what it's like living with Type 1 Diabetes.

You are not alone
You are not alone

Be kind to your mind
Be kind to your mind

It's not fair
It's not fair

It's too much
It's too much.


Managing School
Managing School.

The 3 Emotion systems
The 3 emotion systems.

Continuing your journey... the sailboat
Continuing your journey... the sailboat.

Type 1 : My Community and Me
In this film young people talk about the benefits of talking to their peers and creating support networks to help them manage their diabetes better in the community

Type 1 : Other Conditions and Me
In this film young people talk about what it's like to have other conditions alongside type 1 diabetes

Type 1 : Anxiety, Eating and Me
In this film Sophie explains her anxiety towards eating

Ellie's Story
In this film Ellie talks about her life with T1D and her struggles