Blue Balloon Challenge
Welcome to our #BlueBalloonChallenge page. Living with diabetes is like doing everything you do in your daily life, while keeping a balloon in the air. It's that constant balancing act and this page has all the information and resources you need to know about this challenge and how you and your friends, community and school can get involved and raise awareness.

Get involved in raising awareness and take part in the Blue Balloon Challenge
On this page you’ll find lots of ideas and resources to support awareness of diabetes in schools and communities. You can share theses with your friends, family and teachers. There is even an assembly presentation that you can download and use on World Diabetes Day.
The Blue Balloon Challenge:
Post a video or photo of yourself doing a daily activity whilst trying to balance a balloon in the air and talk about what it means to you living with type 1 diabetes. Your friends, family and school can also do this showing their support to the type 1 community.
Get bouncing and enjoy!

Type 1 Diabetes Animated Explainer
An animated explainer video introducing Type 1 Diabetes
The resources below are part of the downloadable school pack. These resources are designed to increase awareness of type 1 diabetes in a fun and engaging way.