Diabetes UK Professionals Conference 2018
Type 1 Diabetes Education News!
27 Mar 2018

DigiBete’s mission is to make type 1 diabetes education more accessible to patients and families, so we were thrilled when Diabetes UK agreed for us to film selected presentations at their Professional Conference in March 2018. Francesca Annan and Carmel Smart are both highly respected dietitians and gave presentations on the latest research into ‘Controversies in The Nutritional Management of Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Is it Fat, Carbohydrate or Protein?’

We all know first hand what a struggle it can be to manage varying combinations of these food groups which appear to behave completely differently depending on various factors of the day. Francesca presented some fascinating insights which could be helpful to all. Firstly, she asked ‘How much carbohydrate do you actually need?’ reminding us all of the rule of using the individual’s fist as a good guide for matching an appropriate portion size. She then went on to look at how using CGM or Libre downloads are key for insights into blood glucose patterns, and sharing that learning. Giving insulin pre-meal is so important for improving blood glucose levels. Another key message was how children need at least 40% carbs at mealtimes; less than this for children is not recommended because of the impact it can have on growth, and potential risks to calcium, sodium and other nutritional measures.

Carmel Smart’s presentation on Carbs, Protein and Fats, Do They Count? was equally fascinating and concentrated on dosing recommendations for high fat, high protein meals and how fat and protein interact with carbohydrates creating various combinations of blood glucose levels post meals.
We will be releasing these presentations over the coming weeks for everyone to view on our new research presentations page.
Overall, the conference was packed with discussions on how to involve patients more and the important role of technology in both Type 1 and 2 self-management. Dr Pratik Choudhry highlighted the point that it is the combination of pumps, education and often ‘something else’ that is what helps people reach the ideal HbA1c target…not just one thing alone.
You can access lots of the conversations from the day via the hashtags #dukpc #dukpc2018 on Twitter.