*! YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU !* Have your say on NICE's guidance on using hybrid closed loop systems for managing BG levels.

*! YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU !* Have your say on NICE's guidance on using hybrid closed loop systems for managing BG levels.

26 Jan 2023

*! YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU !* Have your say on NICE's guidance on using hybrid closed loop systems for managing BG levels.


The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) is producing guidance on using Hybrid closed loop systems for managing blood glucose levels in type 1 diabetes in the NHS in England.  These guidelines could change who can access closed-loop technology.

NICE is inviting you to comment and the closing date for comments is 5pm, 31 January 2023

This document should be read along with the evidence (see the committee papers).

How to comment:

You should read both the consultation document and the accompanying evidence (see the committee papers) before making any comments.

You need to make your comments directly onto the online version of the consultation document.  When you go into the document you will find instructions on how to use the new commenting software.  You can also review and edit your comments before you submit them.

You can download a PDF version of the consultation document, but you can only make comments on the online version.

Here are links to the various consultation documents:

Appraisal consultation document (online commenting)

Appraisal consultation document (PDF version)

Committee papers

Public committee slides


About the consultation

The advisory committee is interested in receiving comments on the following:

  • Has all of the relevant evidence been taken into account?
  • Are the summaries of clinical and cost effectiveness reasonable interpretations of the evidence?
  • Are the recommendations sound, and a suitable basis for guidance to the NHS?

This is your chance to make your opinions and experiences heard.

Have your say… the closing date for comments is 5pm, 31 January 2023


For more information you can click HERE.


Many thanks from all at Team DB : )